Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Level 1 Catechist Training at Saint Patrick - Saint Anthony Church
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by Lori Andrada

Christmas and/or Epiphany Celebration


This celebration is a paraliturgy or a celebration that does not duplicate liturgy like the Liturgy of light, but rather is a separate sacred celebration.  This celebration usually takes place in the atrium with individual classes.  It takes about 30 minutes and is celebrated at the end of atrium time.  You can invite parents to join you for the celebration.


  1. Procession with a song to the prayer table:
    The prayer table would be covered with a white cloth, an advent wreath with four candles and the white candle in the middle, and a nativity set.  The children carry these items in and decorate the table.
  2. Welcome the prayer table and initial proclamation.
    “We are celebrating that Jesus is born and that He is the Light to the nations.”
  3. Lighting of the Advent and Christmas candles.
  4. Series of proclamations followed by readings:
    1. The people of Israel waited for so long and they were prepared by the prophets.
    2. Read at least two prophesies.
    3. Proclaim the annunciation-greeting of angel to Mary and Mary’s response.
    4. Reading-prayer card “Hail Mary” or short scripture reading.
    5. Narrate the Nativity:  “Today in the town of Bethlehem a savior has been born.”
    6. Sing the Gloria (Gloria from “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”)
    7. Short narrative about the magi coming.  Sing “We Three Kings”
  5. Invite the children to bring up gifts, e.g. bring up a gift for soup kitchen or food pantry, bring up a picture of what they would want to give Jesus, bring up the children’s favorite gift in the atrium (e.g. vacuum cleaner, cruets, something from the altar).  Have a mat or cloth spread out on the floor where the children can lay their gifts.
  6. Have prayer time- spoken, sung, and/or silent. 
    “Is there anything that you want to pray or sing?”  If silence, you can offer a choice.  If feels done, you can do your recessional, e.g. sing “Joy to the World” as you process to the door.


CGS Level 1 Catechist Training